Explore possibilities. Make impact

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the ASU Interplanetary Initiative Space Futures Convening where we aim to gather visionary leaders in the space industry who are passionate about tackling big questions and driving transformative change.

We convene remarkable minds from various fields, including science, technology, art, policy, and business to create working groups that are designed to inspire fresh ideas and foster innovative collaborations.



February 27-March 2, 2025


Coming soon

We’re a go


Thursday, Feb 27

5:30-10:00p I Welcome Dinner

Friday, Feb 28

9:00-5:00p I Convene

Saturday, March 1

9:00-5:00p I Convene

Saturday, March 2

9:00-11:00p I Convene


Ground transportation

Each participant will be responsible for their ground transportation to and from the Convening. Please click below to access maps for both Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport and the resort.


Jessica Rousset I Director

Taryn Struck | Portfolio Manager
